stanford medicine


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Special Report

The teaching hospital

Leading Medicine’s Metamorphosis

up front

Virtual cell

Cells must be cultured, nurtured and then perturbed according to an experiment’s protocol. It can be slow, demanding and expensive work. MORE . . .

Unbiased ed

The School of Medicine has developed a new model for continuing education for physicians that aims to ensure that corporate donors exert no influence over the courses.
MORE . . .

Team screen

It’s a claim that challenges conventional wisdom in the United States: Screening young athletes for heart abnormalities is a cost-effective way to save lives. MORE . . .

MS: Divide and conquer

The discovery that there may be two distinct versions of multiple sclerosis has big implications for patients MORE . . .

New neurons

Even Superman needed to retire to a phone booth for a quick change. But now scientists at the School of Medicine have succeeded in the ultimate switch MORE . . .

more departments

Letter from the Dean

Academic medical centers after health-care reform


Stealth health

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