About Us

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Paul Costello


Rosanne Spector

Art/Design Direction

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Director of Print & Web Communication

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Circulation Manager

Alison Peterson

Staff Writers

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Elizabeth Devitt
Erin Digitale
Hayley Goldbach
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M.A. Malone
Ranjini Raghunath
Ruthann Richter
Tracie White
Sarah C.P. Williams
Sara Wykes

Copy Editor

Mandy Erickson

Stanford Medicine is published three times a year by the Stanford University School of Medicine Office of Communication & Public Affairs as part of an ongoing program of public information and education.

© 2014 by Stanford University Board of Trustees. Letters to the editor, subscriptions, address changes and correspondence for permission to copy or reprint should be addressed to Stanford Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, 3172 Porter Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94304. We can be reached by phone at (650) 723-6911; by fax at (650) 723-7172 and by e-mail at medmag@stanford.edu.

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