Letter from SMAA President

Newton J. Harband, MD
President, Stanford Medical Alumni Association

I’d like to encourage all of you to participate in our activities this year.

Stanford Medical Alumni Association has been working hard to provide you with the most interesting and modern events possible. Your board and Dean Pizzo have teamed up on trips around the country to update our alumni on what’s happening at Stanford Medical Center. These “On the Road” journeys have taken your leaders to Boston, San Diego and Los Angeles, and a visit to Seattle is planned for next year.

We realize that professional and family commitments prevent many alumni from returning to Stanford to see us firsthand. But via the Internet and our Web site — http://med.stanford.edu/alumni — and through this publication and others, we hope to keep the lines of communication open. We welcome any and all suggestions.

Some new and ongoing SMAA projects:

  • Through a new mentorship program, SMAA and Santa Clara Medical Association link medical students to physician volunteers in private practice in local communities.
  • The Stanford Wilderness Experience and Orientation Trip offers new students a chance to establish friendships even before they enter the medical school classroom.
  • In March SMAA sponsors a dinner on Match Day. It’s a time for celebration as Stanford students match to their first choice at a rate higher than the national average!
  • Each May SMAA presents the annual Alumni Reunion Weekend, totally supported and run by your alumni association.
  • SMAA also funds a breakfast lecture series, the Sterling “Mule Shoe” award for distinguished alumni, the house staff award, and many more activities and honors.

We’ll continue to keep you posted on the programs and events of YOUR Stanford Medical Alumni Association.

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